
Detection and Destruction of Bacterial Biofilms!

Durham University is seeking expressions of interest from industrial partners seeking solutions for sensors that enable early detection and destruction of bacterial biofilm growing on any surfaces.

The impact of biofilm formation is of concern in various fields including biotechnology, medicine, food industries, and water technologies. A bespoke device built on a platform technology that enables early detection and destruction of biofilms is critical in many applications. This can be achieved by non-invasively monitoring, using advanced electrochemical devices, that can detect and destroy biofilms.

Our applications are based on a patented platform technology that enables the detection and destruction of Biofilms at an early stage. The generic technology can be adapted to hard or soft surfaces. The platform is a robust handheld or portable device that can intercept electrochemical signals from biofilms without the use of chemicals.

This technology will be soon commercialised by the founding of a spin-out company. Get in touch if you are interested in collaborating with this venture.


Detection of biofilm in water supplies

A common and major problem in many water industrial applications is bacterial growth on surfaces in contact with liquids like water. Scientists at Durham University have developed a new generation of sensors that operate efficiently to detect and treat bacterial biofilm in different environments such as water pipes.

Detection and Destruction of Biofilm in Chronic Wound

It is well known that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is on the increase. It is estimated that by 2050, 10 million deaths annually will be attributed to AMR, and wound care is a major part of this picture.
Scientists at Durham University have developed a new generation of smart devices that can be combined with bandages and surfaces to detect and treat bacteria in wounds and implants with the use of flexible electronic devices.

Early Detection of Bacterial Biofilm In the Food Industry

We believe that food processing companies and food distribution companies need to monitor and have real-time alerts when contaminations (bad bacteria-fungus-molds) are present so as to conduct cleaning regimes early and efficiently. Also, we believe that food packaging and smart labeling companies need bacterial detection and destruction capability in packaging to allow their customers to reduce food waste and increase shelf life

External Electrode Pipe Processing Technology

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